Hotel guests value free Wi-Fi over other amenities

Ukuxhumana kuzidlula kude zonke ezinye izinsiza zehhotela ngokocwaningo lwakamuva olwenziwe yi-GO Airport Express, esebenzela i-O'Hare International Airport kanye neMidway Airport.

Cishe abantu abangama-200 babambe iqhaza ocwaningweni olubuze abahambi, ukuthi yini, ngaphandle kwesidlo sasekuseni, yini abayintandokazi yamahhotela mahhala; Amaphesenti angu-68 abaphendulile ahlole i-Wi-Fi.

The second top answer, at 14 percent, was free transportation between the hotel and the airports. Following that were happy hour and in-room coffee and tea, tied at five percent.

Ukusetshenziswa kweklabhu yezempilo kanye nephuli, amakhukhi amahhala nokunye ukudla okulula bekuncanyelwa ngamaphesenti amathathu. Ezinye izinsiza ezisohlwini locwaningo zihlanganisa amaphephandaba; inkampani yezindiza esizeni kanye nokungena kwemithwalo; ukusetshenziswa ngokuthophayo kwezambulela namabhayisikili asendaweni kanye nezingubo zokugeza; ngaphansi kwephesenti elilodwa labaphendulile bakhethe noma yiziphi lezi zinketho njengezintandokazi zabo.

“Today’s travelers have made it clear they want and need to be connected at all times, and they don’t want to be charged for it,” says John McCarthy, president, GO Airport Express. “In order to build and maintain loyalty, properties should be responsive to this widely preferred amenity.”

Shiya amazwana