India opens first heliport

In a major and long-overdue event, India’s first integrated heliport was opened on February 28 at Rohini in Delhi.

It is the first of four such planned in other regions of the country.

The heliport, opened by Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju, has the capacity to handle 150 passengers, and has 4 hangers, parking for 16 helicopters, and 9 parking bays.

Isikhungo esisha sizosebenza njengesizinda samadolobha aseNyakatho yeNdiya njenge-Agra, iDehradun, iShimla, iMathura, neMeerut.

Ezokuvakasha, kanye nemishini yezokwelapha ngezinye zezinto ezizothola umfutho ngokuvulwa kwalezi zindawo ezinophephela emhlane. Kulindeleke futhi ukuthi kunciphise ukuminyana esikhumulweni sezindiza iDelhi Indira Gandhi International.

UNobhala we-Civil Aviation u-RN Choubey uthe lokhu kuyingxenye yenqubomgomo kazwelonke yezokundiza yaseNdiya - ukukhulisa ukuxhumana kwesifunda.

Shiya amazwana